Love and Wisdom

“When I look inside and see that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I look outside and see that I am everything, that is love… and between those two, my life turns.” -Nisargadatta Maharaj, teacher and philosopher, 1897-1981 […]

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“Everything is getting better and better, and worse and worse, faster and faster.” – Tom Atlee “Everything is getting better and better, everything is getting worse and worse, and everything is perfect just as it is.” – Ken Wilber “Everything in the world is perfect as it is, including your desire to change it.” – […]

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The Big Why

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Ask yourself what you want, and then ask one of the following two questions: If you had that, then what would you have? If you had that, what would that give you? These two questions will take you deeper and deeper to universal human needs. Try it. And if you have any questions, enter them […]

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Smart vs Conscious

There’s a difference between being intelligent and being conscious. It’s possible to be extremely smart, yet relatively unconscious. I don’t care how smart you are. Strive to be increasingly conscious. Here is my top seven list of things to develop greater consciousness around: 1) Yourself. What makes you tick. Your needs and desires. Your unconscious […]

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The S-H word

A sure-fire recipe to not do something is to tell yourself you should. Anything done out of “duty” or obligation, shoulds or have-tos, is not nearly as enjoyable, and can easily lead to resentment either of the task or of other people. Instead, back off until you can connect to how it serves. How does […]

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