There’s a difference between being intelligent and being conscious.

It’s possible to be extremely smart, yet relatively unconscious.

I don’t care how smart you are.

Strive to be increasingly conscious.

Here is my top seven list of things to develop greater consciousness around:

1) Yourself. What makes you tick. Your needs and desires. Your unconscious habit patterns. Know thyself. At least so you can stop impacting the rest of us with what an asshole you are. (I’m sorry, am I projecting again?)

2) The people around you, their needs, their beauty, and their preciousness.

3) Nature. Even in a city, the signs of nature abound. Be more conscious of other beings as well as natural processes. Without nature we’re toast.

4) The preciousness of this moment. The miracle of being alive and of each breath. Albert Einstein wrote: “There are two ways to live- you can live as if nothing is a miracle, or you can live as if everything is a miracle.”

5) Gratitude. Make it your second nature to plug into appreciation and gratitude. Without suppressing your awareness of unpleasant realities, choose where to put your focus, and focus on positivity and gratitude.

6) Possibility. So much more is possible than that of which we’re aware. As Permaculture teacher extraordinaire Doug Bullock once said to my design class, “dream big and go for it!”

7) Humor. Cultivate lightheartedness, play, and fun. Quite taking yourself so seriously.

What are some other things that you would add to this list?

Post them below.