How To Break Down a Large Project into Bite-Sized Pieces

In this video, you will learn how to break down a large project into small or bite-sized pieces. This is a simplified version of the exact process Alan used to find his Dream Property and to help clients envision and follow through in creating the life they see for themselves. This has included people who were seeking relationships, […]

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The difference that makes a difference

One of the most useful concepts — for anyone, really, but especially for change agents because we so often find ourselves spinning our wheels — comes from Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This is the distinction between our circle of influence vs our circle of concern. My circle of concern might […]

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My job in this moment

Sometimes I lay awake at night, my wheels turning. I just can’t stop thinking about this or that — and then I remind myself: “What is my job RIGHT NOW – in this very moment?” (The answer late at night in bed is sleep or at least rest.) It’s often clarifying and stress-reducing to bring […]

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Open loops

Projects begun but not completed, agreements made but not followed through with, these are all open loops. Open loops are like airplanes that have taken off but not landed. We are in the control tower, and the more open loops we have, the more stress and distraction. So land as many as you can. Close […]

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