It’s been 6 months since my car wreck, and the last time I blogged.

As I reflect on 2013 so far, it’s been a remarkable year!

– The January car wreck happened the day between my dad’s birthday and my parents’ anniversary, so I will not forget the date! I was going 60 mph and hit black ice, lost control of the car, smashed into a tree, and went down a ravine about 50 feet. They found the car upside down. I walked away with a concussion and three stitches. The car was completely smashed up except right where I was sitting! My guardian angels were sure flying closely! I wrote about it and posted pictures here. (The ambulance video is pretty hilarious.)

– In March/April I led my first telesummit. The topic was “NVC & Social Change.” I had no idea if 100 people would show up. The event ended up attracting nearly 1700 registrants (1696 as of this post) from over 40 countries. It ended up being the largest NVC event online or off-line, to-date. I had a blast and learned a lot!! The biggest disappointment of it was the transcription team which to this date has still not delivered to me all the transcriptions, leading to me breaking a promise with my tribe. Suffice it to say, I’m still working on getting the transcriptions up. (That URL is — all the recordings are up and still for sale for cheap, though I’ll be raising the price soon to more accurately reflect the value and all the work that went in.)

– In June I was part of a team of 4 trainers with 30+ participants from as far away as Hong Kong and Australia at a 9-day NVC International Intensive Training (IIT) in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was a total blast! One of the highlights was how much deeper the “Healing & Reconciliation” portion of the curriculum went for me, which led to some rich role-plays and deep healing for some of the participants. I can easily see how being a trainer at IITs could be addictive. The Center for Nonviolent Communication is a remarkable organization with which I feel privileged to be associated.

– Early this July I sat a 10-day silent meditation course that was intense and profound. I feel very grateful to have found this technique. This was not my first of these courses – so I knew what to expect – but it had been 4 years since my last one, and feel very glad and relieved to be back on the horse of my meditation practice. This technique, and the tradition that holds it, are true gems! (

I’m very grateful to be blogging again.

I agree with Seth Godin. It is a privilege.

If you have topic requests or questions you’d like me to answer, all you have to do is ask.