I’ve been working hard, building the “Blackbelt Communication Skills Coaching Program.”

This is an online program that will include about 50 training videos, monthly Q&A/Coaching calls, a live event (and a few extra surprises).

I’m very excited and I know this program will benefit many people!

But I realize the term Blackbelt may confuse a few.

In this case, the martial arts analogy refers to aikido more than karate or kung-fu.

Aikido is a martial art that is based, not on kicking somebody’s butt, but on neutralizing an attack in a way that preserves the integrity of both parties.

I’m a Certified Trainer in Nonviolent CommunicationTM, a process that is based on both deep compassion and radical authenticity — basically a form of communication aikido.

When we enter intense, fragile, or high-stakes situations, having a high level of mastery in our communication skills produces results that are exceptional. It is this level of mastery that I want to make accessible to increasing numbers of people who want it.

I’ll be launching the Blackbelt Communication Skills Coaching Program in the next few weeks with some free training videos that are sure to surpass the popularity of my video titled How to DO Empathy!

Meanwhile, I’m chomping at the bit – excited -, trying to get it all done…