One of the trickiest things for new entrepreneurs and business owners is balancing short-term and long-term needs and strategies.

You want to build something that increases in value over time and you need to pay the bills NOW.

So how do you make your steps strategic, so that they build on each other over time, so that each one counts toward taking you in a clear direction?

And specific to content creation:
How do you build your content over time in that strategic way, so that all your steps count toward building something of increasing value?

There’s an old saying in online business that “Content is King.” That’s only half true, especially if you don’t have a strategy!

One my business mentors once said: “I’d rather implement a fantastic strategy mediocrely, than a implement a mediocre strategy fantastically.”

In the video below I share THREE super valuable ideas:

1) Three Key Approaches to content creation (they’re all valuable, but each has greater leverage than the preceding one),

2) A multi-million dollar concept that will transform your approach to content creation,

3) A way to organize your knowledge and expertise (your content!) that will result in your having an integrated whole (rather than a heap).