When an idealistic young person brings you their dreams or bright ideas, don’t try to ground them in reality right away. Your attempt to help will most likely be received as a wet blanket and a lack of support. (And you’ll alienate them or crush them.)

The best thing you can do is listen and understand what gets them so excited and why.

After that, you can check in: “Let me know if you want my input or advice.”

Too many dream-killers tried to sway me into a “secure” future based on their own fears. And I’m glad I listened to my own truth instead. Living such a contracted life would have crushed my soul. And the most safe and secure still die.

Young idealism can be fragile.

First understand. Second, support. Third, get out of the way.

2 thoughts on “The fragility of young idealism

  1. This is wonderful! I would add that your suggestion to “First understand. Second, support. Third, get out of the way.”, would apply to everyone, not just young people.

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